Hello people who are nice enough to read this. Especially you people in Russia. Also, whoever is reading in Kent. Thanks! I would like to A. Go to Russia. I've always wanted to go there. and B. Go back to England and not have to rush. See more of the countryside. The Cotswolds were fabulous and Bath is a dream. Jane Austen loved Kent, so that's good enough for me.
However, on the writing front, I've had NOTHING to write about. My ideas are dead, I've been reading voraciously, which is always a good thing, however it takes away from writing time. Even if I did take advantage of writing time, I'd sit and stare at a blinking cursor and have an anxiety attack. I get these ideas, think they are great, then think some more and think they are horrifically boring.
Perhaps part of the reason I've had little to write about is because my children are all away for the summer. My two boys are in Chicago with their father, and my daughter has pretty well flown the nest. She is going to be a Junior in college and she comes and goes, stores things here occasionally, comes for special events, took care of our house and dogs on our recent trip to California, etc. But we are emtpy nesters this summer.
We did have a lovely trip to California, however, Northern California is fabulous. It never got above 70 degrees, and for a gal used to 115 degrees...that is all it takes at this time of year. Throw in the ocean, Napa Valley, good wine, great food, sightseeing, shopping...I'm in heaven.
In case anyone is looking for any good reading recommendations, I have a few.
1. The Help-as a Southerner, I found this very familiar and a beautifully written book on a very sensitive subject.
2. Room-I really admire the author of this book, Emma Donoghue. I wish I could have thought of such an idea. Unbelievably good.
3. The Life of Pi-My daughter told me about this one. I'd been resisting it for awhile because I stupidly thought it was about math. Yes, I'm a moron at times, but it wasn't about math. It's a very imaginative story. Quite good, and my daughter and I enjoyed discussing our ideas about the ending after I finished reading it.
4. Smokin' Seventeen-what can you say about Janet Evanovich's books? They are all funny as hell.
5. Mummy Knew- Very disturbing story about sexual abuse of a young girl in England. Very brave writing by a writer I think has a unique voice.
6. 22 Britannia Road-I'm reading this now. Intriguing story about a couple and how they deal with being reunited after WWII.
7. One Day-Story of two young people who meet each year on St. Swithin's day for 20 years. Very interesting way to develop characters. I enjoyed it.
8. Stieg Larsson's trilogy "The Girl Who". Took me awhile to get used to the IKEA sounding words, but I got hooked.
9 Three Cups of Tea A book I think all people should read. It gives a completely different perspective on the life of people living in Muslim countries.
10 The Girl Who Stopped Swimming Sad story, but a well written one. Twists, turns, all that jazz.
So, I guess that's all I have to offer people right now. I've been a slug just reading the summer away. Like a kid. Not a bad life, really.