Friday, October 8, 2010


I admit I've become rather addicted to aimless wandering through YouTube. I can't help it. You can find ANYTHING on that thing. It's amazing. There is probably a video of your first kiss or the time you walked out of the restroom in high school with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe on that site. Or not. Maybe it's just me. Anyhow, a friend of mine found a video that she shared with me, and it's potentially the best video I've ever seen of anything. To include the videos of the births of my children. I LOVE those videos, but nobody else does. EVERYBODY loves this video:

Seriously, do yourself a favor and watch it. Now. Go. Now. Then come back here. I'll wait.

Did you do it? Because isn't it the single most amazing display of ...what? I don't even know what to call it. It's just awe-inspiring. I would like to find those two men and hire them. Filthy pants and Peruvian hat and all. The whole deal. That stupid assed song is stuck in my head, too. I could do without that, but it does make it easier to imagine the fiercely superior dance moves of the two maestros of rhythm.

I have come to feel that I know them, those two anonymous hoofers. I not only feel that I know them, but I think I'm in love with them a tiny bit. How could you not be? To have that...joie de vivre...that...j'nais se would change your world like no amount of mind altering drugs, no Yoga ashram, no meditation, no praying...nothing...nothing could possibly be that deeply moving. Just to be able to smoothly make those motorcycle revving motions with one's hands whilst simultaneously kicking oneself in one's own ass whilst wearing white would be the end all and be all of the ultimate "bucket list".

How did you like my masterful usage of the word "whilst" not once, but twice in one sentence? I am pretty impressed with myself, to be quite honest. We don't use words such as "whilst" nearly often enough. Also, we don't pronounce the 't' in the word "often" nearly often enough. It makes it sound much more ummmm...what's the word? Much No. NO! I thought of the word I was looking for: intellectual. There. It makes one seem much more intellectual. Yeah. Which brings me back to the Amazing Dancing Duo.

I doubt they are very often called "intellectual", or even "smart", but one cannot deny their animal magnetism. They are dancing a veritable tribute to life at that Quincenera. They are shuffling and stomping their way into the collective whatsitcalled. The unconsciousness? The subconsciousness? Just the consciousness? I'm not sure which word it is I'm looking for there. In other words, soon, EVERYONE will know them. You will be able to simply say, "Hey, you know those two drunk dudes dancing?" and everyone ..EVERYONE will know what you mean.

Maybe they can get me a decent book deal, then. With my luck, they'll be too busy or whatever to help, though. Bastards.


Jacksmom said...

And I'm tired of the stupid link thing not working. I don't know how to write code, for the love of God. Just give me a button that works and will create a link. Is that too much to ask?

Terry said...

Whilst away.