Thursday, December 25, 2014

Things that really make me insane.

Hey, all y'all.

Merry Christmas, and any other holiday we are just ending or haven't yet begun. As Kinky Friedman says, "May the God of your choice bless you."

So, I thought I would try and list the myriad things that bug the living shit out of me. Let's get started.

(this isn't really in any order.)

1. People who say, "At the end of the day..." Okay. At the end of the day, it's nighttime. Problem solved. Stop saying that, it's stupid and overused and makes you sound like an idiot because most of the people who say it, say it CONSTANTLY.

2. People who say, "It is what it is." REALLY? IT IS? I had no idea. I didn't know "it" was what it was! A revelation! SHUT UP IF YOU SAY THIS. That is a ridiculous thing to say. It is what it is. God, that is stupid.

3. Improper use of quotation marks. As in.."We are the best." on the side of a plumber's van or something. "We will earn your trust." Well, who on Earth said that? Quotation marks indicate someone has said or is saying SOMETHING. You can't just "put quotation" marks "wherever you want to." It's "stupid". "Call us for all of your plumbing ""Needs""". Where does this small piece of hell stop?

4.People who say, "Pacific" instead of "specific". DUDE. One is the largest ocean on Earth and the other is not. GET IT STRAIGHT.

5. People who say, "for all intensive purposes". WHAT THE HELL? Read that to yourself! It makes absolutely no sense! It is supposed to be "For all intents and purposes." Idiots.

6. People who...OH.. people who abuse animals You will surely end up in Hell. Period.

7. People who are talking and when you pass by, the either stop talking or they begin to whisper. Assholes, I don't care what you are saying, I have something to do, and you are being exceptionally rude. If you have a private conversation, go to a place where there are no other people. Common courtesy, people.

8. People who smack their food. I will punch you in the throat.

9. People who make ANY NOISE while eating. I'll destroy you.

10. People who snort their snot when they have a cold. Blow your damned nose, for the love of God. Animal.

11. People who spit. EVER. FOR ANY REASON. Disgusting, and nobody wants to see your saliva and whatever is mixed into it. Nasty asses.

12. People at the movie who rattle wrappers, smack their food, wear too much cologne, (yes, young soldiers, I am talking to you), guys who have to put an empty seat between them so nobody gets the wrong idea. We won't. You know why? BECAUSE WE DON'T CARE, WE ARE HERE TO SEE A MOVIE."

13. People who talk at all at a movie.

14. People who release intestinal gas at a movie.

15. Any burping at any time unless you have nowhere else to go to belch your ABCs, which is not impressive.

16. People who hit my car. WATCH WHERE YOU ARE DRIVING, DIPSHIT.

17. People who come to my door. For any reason at all...stay away. I don't want to buy anything, I will not convert to your religion no matter what you say or what your little pamphlet says. I won't attend services to try it out, and I hate ten speed bicycles, short sleeved white shirts and black ties. Go away and never come back.

Well, that's it for now. I have to go shower and get ready for this travesty called "Christmas".

Keep the change ya filthy animals.

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