What I Have Been Wondering/Thinking About Lately:
What is this new rap music crap?
Why do dogs always stink when they come in from outside?
Where does a baby Joey pee and poop before they leave their mother's pouch?
Why does red wine and sometimes beer give me a migraine? Very inconvenient.
Why does our Sheltie sit and bark nonstop at NOTHING IN THE WHOLE WORLD FOR HOURS?
Where is it written that once I am married with children I must become cook, housekeeper and all a round jack of trades? I don't do that.
Am I a bad mother and wife for not doing all that?
Worse, am I bad for resenting the hell out of having to do that stuff?
Why can't I take a nap without staying up all night long?
Why do I have bags under my eyes?
Why can't I say the word "toilet" correctly?
For that matter, why can't I say the days of the week correctly?
Ditto for "foil", "boil" and "oil".
Did Jack Handey really go to high school with me? He said he did on his biography. Well, he didn't say, "I went to school with Helen". He said he went to my school during the years I was there.
Why do people get into Meth? Seriously, it jacks up your teeth and skin and basically your life.
Why is marijuana illegal?
Why did that cop ask me how much I weigh?
Why does WalMart suck ass so badly?
Why is there never anything to eat in the house, no matter how much food we have?
Why is there nothing to wear no matter how many clothes I have?
I guess that's all for now. Okay, so the title was misleading. The thoughts weren't deep. Too bad for you.
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