Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can't Think of a Catchy Title For This One

Okay, so I have had horrible back and neck problems for a few years. I was told it was progressive and not really treatable because of the proximity of the problem to my spinal cord. Pretty much it's agony. I get a spinal block every couple of months, and that is just slapping a band aid on it, and it eventually becomes ineffective. Well, it became ineffective. Out of desperation, I made an appointment with a chiropractor. My Mom always told me they were "quacks" and couldn't do anything. Well, that's a load of crap. (Sorry, Mom.)

They xrayed the hell out of me and did nothing much else the first visit except have me do things the neurologist had me do a million times. (by the way, the x ray machine has something called a "gonad" cover. Tee hee...) I went in to my follow up appointment, and I had an "adjustment", it felt good. I got put on a machine that pulled on my skull, it felt FABULOUS, and I had electrical impulses on my back muscles and shouler muscles. Felt like nothing. I do have to tell you though, my pain is almost entirely GONE after ONE visit. I will be going 3 times a week, and I am looking forward to every single visit. There is my glowing testimonial. It works. That's all I know.

Okay, the weird thing about my first visit: the staff was very nice, very solicitous and professional. After I saw the chiropractor, one of the staff had to xray me. She also had to have me walk with my eyes shut(fell over embarrassing), I had to close my eyes and march in place with my arms stretched out in front of me. Terribly humiliating. Try doing that in flip flops sometime. I don't care who you are. But then, when it came time to xray me, the lady got all strange. She was telling me what to take off and what to leave on. I'm pretty modest about you know running around naked, but in a doctor's office or massage place, I sorta expect I'm going to have to get naked or partially naked, right? The girl was telling me to remove all clothing from the waist down. I said, "Okay." She said, "You can leave on your shirt and bra." I said, "Okay." She said, "You have to take off your bra, though. You can leave on your shirt." I said, "Wait, what? Leave on or take off the bra?" she said, "Yes." Uhhhh...Okay. I tried again. "So, I basically need to undress completely?" She said, "Well, it depends on what you are comfortable with." I said, "I'm good with whatever...just tell me what I need to do..." She said, "Here you have to put these on.." and she handed me a pair of like athletic stretchy shorts. I said, "so, put these on?" She said, "Yes. If you're comfortable with that." I said, "I'm comfortable with whatever is needed, just tell me." She said, "Okay, take off everything but put these shorts on." I said, "So, naked except for these shorts and my flip flops? I don't really care, but that will look stupid." I said, "Tell ya what, I'll just figure it out and be in there in a minute." She said, "Okay." and left. I took off the bra because of the hooks, I figured the metal was bad in an xray, I don't know. I took off everything from the waist down and put on those horrid shorts, and now that I'm thinking about it....who else's privates have been in those shorts without the benefit of underwear? Jesus! Oh God! Now I'm really scared. What if I get some disease or critter??? I need to talk to them on Monday. Dammit. Shit. Deep breath...okay.

So, my xrays were great. I evidently stripped to the precise degree and now probably have a zoo in my crotch. DAMMIT!

Summary: Horrible back pain that was on it's way to having my vertebrae fusing together...almost entirely gone. Drugs used: none. Needles used: none. Massage and trigger points massaged and triggered, many. Blissful. Skulls put in a machine and pulled up and away from the spine: one. chiropractors work. I couldn't be upright for more than a few minutes before that visit. I skipped my spinal block shot yesterday. I don't have to lay flat on my back with a heating pad now. I do have to take it easy until everything is finished healing, though. Today, the left side (the side I have almost all my problems on) of my face was sore. Like I'd been punched. Weird. Very strange. I speculated that the chiropractor moved bones or something. It's sore like it's healing or something. From right above my left eye, down my left temple, and under the left eye. I've heard that the skull bones can be manipulated because they are fused together not terribly tightly, to allow for movement...I don't know how true that it, but I find it interesting. If you know, let me know.

Currently Reading: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Some Girls: My Life in a Harem by Jillian Lauren
Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser
Secrets of the Zohar by Michael Berg

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