July 31, 2007
I love me some protestin'!
So. Harrod's. Not so great. Right outside of Harrod's, though....big assed protest going on. Now in Paris, we got involved in a protest, and it was totally inadvertent. We thought it was a street festival. (shut up....you hear drumming, you see dirty students smiling and dancing....) Anyhow, in THAT protest, we got tear-gassed, yes, with our children. I didn't want a repeat of that, but let's face it...the cops in London don't really have much ability to do much. They can drive their itty bitty cars insanely fast through crowded intersections and maybe throw their billyclub at you...but other than that....if one told me to freeze....I'd run like hell. Because, it's gonna be a toss-up to see who is the fastest runner...no guns will be blazing.
Anyhow...so when we went into Harrod's there were a few people outside holding signs saying stuff about "Say NO to Fur!" and things like that. I pushed past them and we went inside. Whatever. Don't get in my way....when we were vomited back out onto the pavement a few hours later...the protest had grown quite a bit, and now it had people dressed up in animal costumes. There was a HUGE ASSED FOX who kept shoving pamphlets at me. I don't want a pamphlet. Ever. If I want your pamphlet, I'll come up to you and say, "Excuse me, may I have a pamphlet, please?" If you are dressed up in a costume, I will not speak to you or otherwise acknowledge you at all. Not even in Disneyworld. People in animal suits give me the heebie jeebies.
So, Mr. Fox-man kept shoving his pamphlets at me and I was saying "No thank you! No THANK YOU..NO THANK YOU!" and he was like THRUSTING them at me with his face just that never changing leering Fox face....and his arm kept jumping out at me with his Fox paw full of damned pamphlets.....I finally hollered: "I have a mink coat, OKAY?!??!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"
My Mom and daughter were behind me, and our destination was the tube stop near Harrod's. We were having difficulty getting there because of the Man/Fox. So, when I finally hollered at him...(and it was so loud out there that my yelling wasn't noticed...) he stepped aside and I started walking past him. There were people sitting in the middle of the sidewalk, all sorts of people dressed up like baby seals and ferrets and of course the fox and whatever else with fur they could think of...it was bizarre. So, I start to walk, and I SHIT YOU NOT...that freakin' assed dipshit fox tripped me. I don't know how, and I cannot prove it. But down I went. Fucking Fox. What an asshole.
So, I say "go on a Fox hunt". Buy fox fur coats. Find the jackass who was forcing his pamphlets on people outside Harrod's. Beat his ass. Or her ass. Whichever it may be. I was down on that filthy sidewalk outside that nightmare disco palace/department store surrounded by humans dressed as furry critters chanting about no fur.
The tear gas was WAY better.
Currently listening:
Weird Revolution
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