Friday, July 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 RIP- The Godfather of Soul

I was going to say something that I think was sort of either important or amusing, I can't quite remember which right now. But you can be sure it was one of the two. Although it doesn't matter because nobody, including Mak is reading this, and dammit, why did you email me wanting me to join this crap if you aren't going to do this, too? Like I will have time after next week to do this? I can tell you right now....I WON'T.

Should I put up my old photo in honor of James Brown? I am devastated at his loss. "Hot Pants", "Sex Machine" I mean...I else would I have brushed my kid's teeth without singing "I Feel Good" at the top of my lungs whilst they screamed? I would holler back at them to scream all they liked because the wider they opened their mouths, the better I could brush their teeth. I pretended it was their teeth singing "I Feel Good", see....that's the James Brown tie in, there....anyways. RIP Godfather of Soul.
Currently listening:
James Brown - 20 All-Time Greatest Hits!
By James Brown
Release date: 22 October, 1991
11:18 PM

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