Friday, December 29, 2006
Little needles
Current mood: blah
So, hey Mak....I had accupuncture yesterday. I had a headache, so I went to an accupuncturist. It's pretty much the only thing I haven't tried yet, so I gave it a shot.
First, the lady (who I found out was also a chiropractor..) started sticking needles all over my my hands, legs, feet and face, then she stuck a few in my scalp. The only one that hurt was right at my right pinkie finger cuticle. Then she left me alone for awhile in the dark with gong music which drove me nuts. Of course, I immediately began staring at the needles sticking out of me...which didn't help much, but after a few minutes, I relaxed and tried to let the energy unblock or whatever it's supposed to do.
When she came back in, she took the needles out then she popped my neck so loud it scared the living shit out of me, but it felt heavenly. Then she actually climbed up on the table with me and had me all contorted and told me my muscles are so twisted up that she can't get me "adjusted" until she gets my muscles relaxed. So, I go back every two days.
Holy shit, this was boring as hell. Oh, we had tornadoes today. Sanford cussed out the cable company on the phone, then when they got here, what else..let's see....ummmmm nope. I got nothin'.
Where the fuck are you? I got offered a poodle, and i was going to accept it and dye it pink and bring it to you. A real one.
Currently listening:
Mars Needs Guitars!
By Hoodoo Gurus
Release date: 25 October, 1990
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