Saturday, July 10, 2010

October 23, 2004

Current mood: angry
12:41 p.m. - 2004-10-23

Urban freezer warfare

Don't only very decrepit old people get pneumonia? Because that is what I thought. I mean, right?

I got it last fall, and now I have it yet again. And it seriously, most grievously sucks ass. And evidently it makes me talk like a surfer, too.

Sanford woke me out of my delirious, fever filled "sleep" to tell me he had made me an appointment with the doctor and I had to be there in 10 minutes. Hey! Great planning! I was soaked in my own sweat and delirious. Way to go...

So off we go and the doctor gives me copious drugs for my lungs which are filled with viscous substances. I get narcotics, which is always appreciated.

Then, we got to walk around the grocery store for an hour while they filled my prescriptions. Why the delay? Because today they were giving out flu shots to very, very ancient people. They were in a line stretching from the front of the store to the back of the store. The fuckers were blocking the ice cream freezer, even. When we went up to pick up my drugs, there were elderly men with their shirts off getting shots. Weird thing was....they didn't NEED to take their shirts off. It was like they WANTED to take off their shirts.
I was staring at them in amazement when Sanford said, "Okay, we've got the drugs...let's go."
I said, "Wait, I want Creme Brulee ice cream...." Sanford glanced at the line of scantily clad octogenarians and then at the completely blocked ice cream freezer wall. "I am NOT fighting those old people to get to the ice cream..." He is SO FREAKIN' MEAN SOMETIMES! ASSMUNCH!
I said..."I'm goin' in....cover me."
All I heard as I pushed through the confused looking shirtless masses was "No! It's not worth it!...."

Oh, I beg to differ, my fine junk collecting friend...I beg to differ.....
So now I am home. Well dosed with drugs; still feverish; but if the establishment is to be believed...well on the way to recovery, and later on I will have the ambrosial treat of treats that I risked life and limb for.
And I will NOT allow Sanford to have ANY. Because he is a mean son of a bitch, that's why.

If you knew monia like I pneumonia, Helen

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