Saturday, July 31, 2010

Beginning of Success?

I forgot to tell in my last post:

I have had a response from two agencies for my writing. I am researching them to see which I like. Plus, I have several others I'm waiting on. Two in one week, a few days after submitting, not too bad.

Now, I'm also working on essays for some literary magazines.


A.L. Harris said...

Hello from SITS and congratulations! Can I ask what you wrote? I'm navigating the agent/publishing world as well. Good luck on your success :)

Jacksmom said...

Hi! I write non fiction. Right now I'm working on a series of essays or you might call it a memoir since it's all things I've written along a course of a few years. I just emailed the person who has the Blog "Pimp my Novel" and asked them a few questions about an agency who has contacted me, because I'm so unsure of how to proceed! It's confusing to say the least.

A.L. Harris said...

That is simply amazing. I have to give you props for navigating the publishing world and baiting one. It takes guts to put your work out there and skill, especially for an agency to contact you! I've definitely heard that it can get confusing, because it's hard enough to get to where you are and then after that, the journey is unknown (well not really, there are resources, but it's still the few and far between who make it there). I write fiction and I've been sending out my work among other things to hopefully get to where you are right now. I know the pimp you blog person might have some answers but also try to check out Noah Lukeman. He is a top notch agent who has 13 years of experience and a plethora of book deals who wrote a free book for writers called "How to Write a Query Letter" but since you're already past that stage, you should really check out the "How To Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent." It has a ton of advice for both nonfiction and fiction.He has free excerpts of the books on his website. And as always, agent blogs and writer blogs are full of information. If you're worried about the agency, you should check out "Writers Beware" to see if they are on there or check and see if they are with an agent group such as the Association of Author's Representatives (AAR) to see if they are registered with them. If they aren't, don't be too worried because some agents do register with them and some don't but it's a plus if they do. Sorry this comment was so long, but I hope it helped!

Jacksmom said...

Thanks for the info! The whole publishing world is a bit daunting. Keep up the writing, though! Just keep telling yourself: "It only takes one 'yes'" You'll get a bunch of rejection letters but it only takes one good one. YOu'll get there!